Law is often described in technical terminology that is unfamiliar to many people. This glossary provides short definitions of Maltese legal terms that you will often find in Maltese court judgements and in the law.
A |
Aċċenn | Mention, Reference E.ż. "L-Onor. AB għamel aċċenn ukoll għall-proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika..." | |
Aċċess | Access. Different meanings, according to circumstances. 1. Child Access: When following marriage breakdown the care and custody is entrusted to one parent and the other parent has access to the children. 2. Court Access: When a court expert is required to enter onsite and draw up a report. Regulated by the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure (Chapter 12) Sections 683 et seq. | |
Adattat | Suitable. | |
Adempjenza | Fulfill a duty - Default. E.ż. "Jekk parti kontraenti ma tonorax l-obbligi finanzjarji tagħha sa dik id-data, ir-regolamenti tal-Komunità li jkunu fis-seħħ li jirregolaw l-imgħax dovut fin-nuqqas ta' adempjenza tal-ħlas ta' kontribuzzjonijiet tal-budget tal-Komunità għandhom japplikaw..." (EU Law (SCH/Com-ex (97) 35)) | |
Aggravju | Aggrievance. E.ż. "Il-Qorti rat li l-partijiet kontendenti qablu li l-ewwel jiġi trattat u deċiż l-aggravju tar-Rikorrenti, li t-talba tal-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni issolleva is-somma għall ħlas...". | |
Aggregat | Aggregate | |
Aġjatezza | Prosperity. Derivered from Italian (Agiatezza) | |
Akkrexximent | Accretion. Article 737 et seq of the Civil Code. In inheritance, whenever a co-heir or a co-legatee predeceases the testator, his portion due will go to the other co-heirs or co-legatees. This is known as accretion. | |
A kuntrarju sensu | In the opposite sense | |
Ammissibbilità | Admissibility. Usually in the context of evidence, ex. certain evidence is to be admissible and certain evidence is not to be admissible in a court of law. | |
Andament | Various Meanings: Evolution, Performance, E.ż. "Għaldaqstant ir-rapport tal-Mater Dei mhux se jiġi ppubblikat sabiex ma jippreġudikax l-andament tal-inkjesta..." | |
Ankorkè | Although | |
Appell | Appeal | |
Appellat | The Appealed. The person against whom the appeal is made | |
Appellant | The Appellant. Ex. The person who is making the appeal | |
Apposita | Appropriate. Ex. "Dan billi imlew il-formola apposita u kitbu..." | |
Aprioristikament | From Beforehand. E.ż.1. "Naturalment huwa mpossibbli li wieħed jiddetermina aprioristikament x’inhi l-piena idoneja w hu għalhekk li jkun hemm il-proċess kollu sabiex il-ġustizzja ssir kemm mal-individiwu kif ukoll mas-soċjetà."; E.ż. 2. "Jekk addirittura stat mhux obbligat aprioristikament li jaċċetta 'a non-national spouse' li jirrisjedi jew tirrisjedi fit-territorju ta’ dak l-istat, kemm aktar allura ma hux obbligat li jakkorda ċ-ċittadinanza, ikun x’ikun il-kriterju li a bazi tiegħu dik iċ-ċittadinanza tiġi akkordata." | |
Assidwament | Assiduously. E.ż. "L-intimati appellati opponew assidwament dawn l-aggravji kollha li ressqu l-appellanti" (Appell Civili Numru. 21/2005/3). | |
Attur | Plaintiff | |
Avarija | Variation. E.ż. Artikolu 10(g), Kap 85 Liġijiet ta' Malta "...kemm jingħata li jista’ jkun hemm sustanzi barranin u avarija fil-qies tad-daqsijiet fissi..." | |
B |
Bandu | Banns | |
Bixra | Theme E.ż. ħa bixra reliġjuza | |
Bonarja | Used in the context of an out of court settlement, See Ittra Bonarja; Separazzjoni Bonarja | |
Brevement | Briefly | |
Buon Fini | For all good intents and purposes | |
Ċ |
Ċaħdet | Declined. E.ż. Il-Qorti caħdet t-talbiet attriċi | |
Canone | Groundrent | |
Ċedola | Schedule. E.ż. "Ċedola ta' depositu" translated to "Schedule of deposit" | |
Ċens | Emphyteusis | |
Ċikatriċi | Scar | |
D |
Danneġjat | Person who causes damage E.ż. "F’din l-aħħar ipotesi d-danneġjat irid ikun ikkommetta vjolazzjoni jew trasgressjoni ta’ dover..." (Appell Ċivili Numru. 28/1988/1) | |
Danni | Damages | |
Debilità | Disability. E.ż. "...u l-vettura Nru. LLL NNN misjuqa minn Mr. Name Surname korriet il-mittenti li kienet passiġġiera fil-vettura Nru. LLL NNN li qed tbati minn debilità permanenti" (Government Gazzette: 17,953) | |
Debitament | Duly. E.ż. L-intimat ġie debitament notifikat (Defendant was duly notified). | |
Debitu | Debit | |
Definittiva | Definitive. A judgement given in the first instance may become definitive if it is not impugned by an appeal. However a definitive judgement may be impugned by an extra ordinary remedy such as a Retrial. Once all the extraordinary remedies for impugning a judgement are either used or the term for use has expired, the would become final and irrevocable. | |
Delitti | Tort. Mainly regulated by the Civil Code Articles 1029 et seq. | |
Dekadenza | The term 'dekadenza' is used in conjunction with prescription. A time period that is 'dekadenti' cannot be suspended or interrupted: Illum hu stabbilit li z-zmien ta’ sitt xhur imsemmi fl-artikolu 469 A tal-Kap 12 hu wiehed ta’ dekadenza (ara sentenza G Zammit vs Awtorita’ tal-Ippjanar PA 2 2 2000). Dan ifisser li tali terminu ma jigix interrot jew sospiz bhal ma jigri fil-kaz tat-terminu ta’ preskrizzjoni. Fi kliem iehor l-atti gudizzjarji li normalment jitqiesu bhala tajbin biex jinterrompu l-perjodu preskrittiv, jew il-fatt li jkunu ghaddejin diskussjonijiet bejn il-partijiet wara li jkun sar leghmil amministrattiv ma jservu xejn biex izommu lmoghdija ta’ sitt xhur li ssemmi l-ligi." Ċitazzjoni Numru. 793/2002 | |
Dekors | lapse. E.ż. mad-dikors ta' żmien it-tifel tilef ir-relazzjoni ma ommu. | |
Deposizzjoni | Deposition. Various meanings. 1. Environmental law refers to the residual after a particular process; 2. Procedural law refers to the testimony of witnesses. | |
Depożitant | Depositor | |
Depożitarju | Depositary | |
Deroga | Derogation | |
Diabolica | Diabolical. (Occasionally spelt as Diabolika). Refers to the prova diabolika, which means a heavy, if not impossible, standard of proof. The term probatio diabolica is a Latin expression used in certain legal circles that means ‘the devil’s proof’. It was used in the sense that it is impossible to prove that the devil exists. In court proceedings, an individual may be required to prove something that’s very difficult to prove. In Maltese legal circles, the term prova diabolika is associated with the proof which the owner of a property must bring to prove that the property is his. In the middle ages, this was a very heavy standard of proof, particularly when a property was assigned from one person to another without anything to document such the transfers. | |
Dibattuta | Debated | |
Diċitura | Wording. E.ż. talba tal-appellanti mhux applikabbli għall-każ in eżami peress illi si tratta ta’ każ fejn hemm żball fid-diċitura fis-sens illi wara l-konnotati tal-appellata, kellha tiżdied il-frażi (Government Gazzette No. 18,810). | |
Differità | Deferred. In certain contexts, it is used instead of adjourning. E.ż. Il-kawża (Nru. XXX/YY ABC) hija differità għas-27 ta’ Mejju 2011 fin-12.30 p.m. | |
Digriet | Decree | |
Dilatorja | Dilatory. Pleas (eċċezzjonijiet) may be either dilatory or peremptory (peremptorji). A dilatory plea delays the decision on the merits. The dilatory plea may be either: i. on the proceedings (Ex. the the defence could argue that the plaintiff did not use the correct procedure to star the case) or ii. on the merits of the case (Ex. the defence could argue that money is not yet due). | |
Dikjarazzjoni | Declaration | |
Dipartixxi | Leave. Or rather as a starting point, E.ż. l-Qorti iddipartixxiet mil-fatt li l-akkuzat kien diġa qiegħed l-isptar | |
Disposizzjonijiet | Provisions | |
Dissidji | Internal Problems, E.ż. "Ir-rapport semma li t-Tarzna għandha aktar mis-sehem ġust tagħha ta' politika interna li tikkrea dissidji bejn il-Kunsill, il-General Workers' Union u l-management professjonal" DOI Press Commentries (16/11/1996) | |
Diżamina | in question. (Occasionally spelt disamina) E.ż. Fil-kawża in disamina jirriżulta | |
Domiċilju | Domicile | |
Dominju | Dominium. Right over property, which could be of different degrees. For example in Emphyteusis (Ċens) there is the Directum Dominium (the real owner, i.e. the one who has the right over the property) and there is the Utile Dominium (the person who has other rights to the property, ex. access, construction, etc...) | |
Dommatiku | Dogmatic | |
Dover | Duty | |
Drastikament | Drastically | |
Dritt | Right. E.ż. Drittijiet Fondamentali tal-Bniedem (Fundamental Human Rights) | |
Dubju | Doubt | |
Duttrina | Doctrine | |
E |
Eċċessi | Excesses. The Civil Code uses this term in relation to matrimonial breakdown. There are excesses when one party surpasses the limits he or she is expected to behave in a relationship. Usually excesses has a sexual connotation and is used to refer to sexual acts that exceed what one ordinarily expects in the circumstance of the case. | |
Eċċezzjoni | Plea. A plea is a statement either relating to a given fact or to the interpretation of law that aims at confirming, mitigating or annulling the claim made by the other party. Ex. In a civil case the plaintiff claims that defendant owes him 10,000€ while the defendant pleads that he has already paid the plaintiff 5,000€ out of the claimed amount. | |
Eċċipjenti | Refers to the other party in a proceeding, ex. the defendant or the interpellant | |
Ekwipollenza | Treating something on the basis of equality. E.ż. L-appellati rrispondew ukoll li ma kien hemm ebda lok ta’ ultra petita izda fil-fatt hawn kien gie applikat korrettament mill-ewwel Qorti l-principju ta’ ekwipollenza u cioe li meta jirrizultaw fatti sussiddjarji, jew intimament parti mit-talba li jressaq l-attur, ghanda wkoll tinghata l-ordni opportuna. (Qorti ta' L-Appell. 975/2008) | |
Ekwivoku | Equivocally. However the term is often translated in different ways in various Maltese legal texts, such as:
Elenku | Index | |
Ekwi | Equitable | |
Emolumenti | Emoluments. That which is received for work done in connection to employment or to one's office. | |
Enuncjazzjoni | Pronounced | |
Erarju | Coffers. ex. Errarju Pubbliku means state coffers | |
Eredi | Heirs | |
Erronea | Erroneous | |
Esponent | Interpellant. The party that is making a particular claim. E.ż. Fir-rikors ir-rikorrenti jesponi li l-intimat seraqlu tuffieħa. E.ż. 2 Fir-risposta l-intimat jesponi li t-tuffieħa hi tiegħu u mhux tal-intimat. | |
Esteri | Foreign | |
Eżami | Examination | |
Eżawriment | Exhausted. Used in different contexts: 1. Physically Exhausted: E.ż. “m’huwiex fi stat mentali u fiżiku li jkompli jagħmel ix-xogħol tiegħu minħabba eżawriment” 2. Make Use Of: Ex. In court one has to exhaust all ordinary remedies before making use of an extra-ordinary remedy. A situation may require that one must first appeal before a board or tribunal before instituting a human rights case given that human rights cases are deemed to be an of extra-ordinary nature. | |
Eżegwixxi | Execute. Carry out or carry into effect, ex. a court order or a contract signed before a notary | |
Eżekutur | Executor. A person who carries out something, usually in virtue of a law or a lawfully given order E.ż. Marishall Eżekutur | |
Eżekuttiv | Executive | |
F |
Fassal | Plan | |
Fatt | Facts | |
Fedekommess | Entail | |
Fedelment | Faithfully | |
Fehma | Opinion | |
Fejjiedi | Fruitful | |
Ftehim | Agreement | |
Fieragħ | Futile, meaningless, useless. E.ż. "Dan l-eżerċizzju jkun fieragħ mingħajr l-involviment tal-partijiet interessati." | |
Filjazzjoni | Filiation. When a child is recognized by his or her natural father | |
Fini | Purpose | |
Flargranti | Derived from in flagrante delicto, which is equivalent to 'caught red handed'. | |
Fond | Term has different meanings: 1. Immovable Property (or premises); 2. Fund Usually in the financial context, ex. the reserved fund. | |
Furżat | Forced | |
Ġ |
Ġestita | Managed. E.ż. "Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista u konsenja ta xogħol... ġestita mill-WasteServ Malta Ltd" (DOI PR 18,818). | |
Ġudizzju | Term has different meanings 1.Judgment (E.ż. diskrezzjoni tal-ġudizzju); 2. Proceedings (E.ż. tirriserva li tipproċedi f'ġudizzju separat). | |
Ġuramentata | Sworn. E.ż. Rikors Ġuramentat translated to Sworn Application | |
Ġurista | Jurist | |
Ġurisdizzjoni | Jurisdiction. Term has different meanings. In general jurisdiction refers to the general powers of an entity to exercise power or authority over persons (natural or legal) in a given territory. Ex. the Maltese Courts of Criminal Judicature have jurisdiction to try and determine offences carried out: a. in Malta, b. offence carried out in ships registered in Malta, wherever they may be, c. certain offences by a Maltese, wherever s/he may be. The Jurisdiction of Criminal Courts is regulated by Article 5 of the Criminal Code. | |
Ġusta | Just. E.ż. Deċiżjoni ġusta li timmerita konferma | |
Ġuridiki | Judicial | |
Ġurisprudenza | Jurisprudence. Term has different meanings: 1. The study of law; 2. The study of caselaw | |
I |
Ilment | Complaint | |
Inadempjenti | Defaulting. Did not do something that was requested or required to be done. E.ż. "Għalkemm ġejt interpellat sabiex tissana u tagħmel tajjeb għall-ħsara magħmula minnek int sal-lum bqajt inadempjenti". | |
Inkonfutibbli | Irrefutable. Derived from the Italian word (Inconfutabile) | |
Insenjament | Teachings. Derived from Italian (insegnamento) | |
Inter Alia | Amongst other things | |
Intempestiva | Untimely. E.ż. Din l-azzjoni hija intempestiva għaliex l-kreditu għadu ma sarx dovut. | |
Intier | whole or entirety | |
Interpost | filed. E.ż. l-Appell interpost mil-intimati (the appealed filed by the respondent) | |
Intimat | Respondent. Before a Maltese law court there is the applicant (person who alleges a violation of his/her right) and respondent (person who responds to that allegation). | |
Irkupru | recovery of property | |
Istruttorja | Criminal Inquiry. E.ż. Qorti tal-Maġistrati bħala Qorti Istruttorja | |
Ittra Bonarja | Interpellatory Letter. Ittra bonarja hija kitba li tintbgħat minn parti għall parti l-oħra mingħajr ebda formalita oħra. E.ż. ittra li tintbgħat minn kreditu lid-debitur biex jfakkru illi għandu jtiħ l-flus. Ittra bonarja għandha valur inqas minn ittra offiċjali, imma ittra bonarja tista' tintuża wkoll biex tinterrompi l-preskriżżjoni. | |
Ittituba (Ittitubat) | hesitate. E.ż. Hija ittitubat qabel ma aċċettat li tiżżewweġ | |
J |
Jifdi | Redeem | |
Jemani | Emanates | |
Jirrileva | Points out | |
Jissustixxi | No proper translation found. Similar to "exist". E.ż. dan l-istat ta’ “komunjoni” jibqa’ jissustixxi bejn l-użufruttwarja u l-proprjetarji. E.ż. 2. F’dan il-każ, is-suspett raġjonevoli ta’ reat baqa’ jissustixxi sad-deċiżjoni finali. | |
K |
Kalendat | No proper translation found. Similar to "written-in". E.ż. Tiddeċiedi t-talbiet tar-rikorrenti stante li hekk kif kalendat fl-artikolu 5(a) tal-Ordni dwar it-Twaqqif ta' Sezzjonijiet tal- Qrati Ċivili E.ż. 2. Illi skont kif kalendat fil-paragrafu 1 tal-artikolu 41 tal- imsemmi Regolament Nru 2201/2003 | |
Kapparra | Earnest. Ex. promise of sale with earnest. See Section 1359 Civil Code. | |
Kawtelatorju | precautionary. Ex. precautionary warrants. Ex. Prohibitory Injunction (a warrant to stop a person from doing something because there is an allegation that by doing so he would prejudice another person's rights, a prohibitory injunction to stop a person from demolishing a building. see Code of Organization and Civil Procedure. | |
Kawża |
Different meanings |
Kerha | Rent | |
Kommunjoni ta’ l-akkwisti | Community of Acquests | |
Konċessjoni | Grant | |
Konfini | Boundaries | |
Kontendenti | Parties. Usually parties in the case | |
Kontenzjuża | contentious. Ex. contentious jurisdiction. When a court takes cognisance over a particular dispute. | |
Kontro-Talba | Counterclaim. Ex. Plaintiff alleges that defendant owes him 100€ for repairing his motorcycle. Defendant counter claims that in the course of repairing his motorcycle the plaintiff caused him 400€ in damages. | |
Kontumaċi | Contumacious - wilfully defiant to authority. This term is usually used to denote that a person has been required to do something by a court but failed to do so. Ex. Article 158 COCP "Jekk il-konvenut jonqos li jippreżenta r-risposta ġuramentata msemmija f’dan l-artikolu, il-Qorti tiddeċiedi l-kawża bħallikieku l-konvenut baqa’ kontumaċi..." | |
Konvenut | Defendant. Defendant in civil proceedings. Used in the context of attur (plaintiff) and konvenut (defendant). | |
Korteġġjament | Derived from Italian (corteggiamento) | |
Kwerela | Complaint in the context of criminal proceedings. Certain crimes such as rape and theft require the complaint of the injured party and therefore the police cannot prosecute with the complaint of the injured party. | |
L |
Lanjanzi | Complain. E.ż. "Infatti mill-provi miġjuba sal-lum jidher ex abundantia illi l-lanjanzi li qed iqajmu l-atturi dwar il-kuntratt ta' kostituzzjoni ta' debitu" | |
Leżjoni | Lesion. A ground for annulling a contract on the basis that it is of a serious disadvantage to one of the parties to the contract. Generally speaking, Maltese law does not admit the excuse of lesion as a ground for annulling a contract (see Article 1213, Civil Code). However, the next article makes it possible for minors to annul a contract on the ground through lesion in certain cases. | |
Liberat | Discharged. Following criminal proceedings a person may be either convicted (issibu ħati), discharged (liberat) or acquitted (meħlus). When an accused is discharged the whole trial has not taken place and therefore he may be charged again. However when an accused is acquitted the court would have heard all the evidence and would come to the conclusion that s/he should not be found guilty as charged. | |
Liċitazzjoni | limitation. Sale of undividan ed property. See Civil Code Articles 515 - 523. | |
M |
Mandat | Mandate is a contract whereby one gives another person the power to do something for him. See Civil Code Article 1856 et seq. | |
Mandatarju | Mandator is the one who gives the mandate to the mandatory | |
Meħlus | Different meanings: 1. Acquitted: See above; 2. Released: ex. released from prison. | |
Minaċċi | Threats | |
Mittenti | Derived from Italian (mittente). In Maltese legal practice it is used to refer to as the sender or interpellant in a judicial letter 1) Interpellant. is the person who is making the assertion. E.ż. is-soċjetà mittenti tinterpellak sabiex tersaq għall-likwidazzjoni tad-danni. 2) The sender. A person or entity which send something. | |
Mutatis Mutandis | In Maltese Law, the term is used to something is made applicable to something else. Example "a civil union, once registered, shall mutatis mutandis have the corresponding effects and consequences in law of civil marriage | |
N |
Nffondati | Unfounded. Ex. when an allegation is unfounded in fact and in law "nfodati fil-fatt u fid-dritt" | |
Nġunt għas-subizzjoni | Summoned to make reference to the oath. E.ż. il-konvenuti huma nġunti għas-subizzjoni. | |
Nġunzjoni | Injunction. An order to do something or to refrain from doing something | |
Notifika | Served with a notice. Ex. when an application is sworn it has to be served on the defendant | |
Nutar | Notary | |
P |
Paċifiku | Peaceful. Term used when a certain debate has been settled, E.ż. "Huwa paċifiku, ikomplu l-appellanti, illi meta t-testaturi ipprovdew expressis għad-dritt ta’ l-akkrexximent f’kaz ta’ premorjenza ta’ xi hadd fost il-prelegatarji għall-istess testatur dan għamluh fl-ewwel lok biex jeliminaw is-sostituzzjoni taċita u d-dritt tar-rapprezentazzjoni kontemplata fl-Artikolu 745 tal-Kapitolu 16 - Case No. 592/1996/2 | |
Pależi | Obvious. Derived from Italian (palesi). E.ż. Mill-provi mressqa huwa pależi għall-Qorti li l-lamenteli tal-atturi ġew pruvati. | |
Parafernali | Paraphernal. Property that is owned by one of the spouses before marriage and therefore will remain his or hers even after marriage. | |
Parti dispożittiva | Each judgment has a "parti dispozittiva" and in this part the court gives its decisions and orders an action to be taken. | |
Patrimonju | Patrimony | |
Patroċina | When a client is being advised by an advocate. | |
Pendente Lite | Pending litigation. Ex. pending litigation the court declares that the property in dispute shall be deposited with a curator | |
Perentorji | Premeptory. E.ż. eċċezzjoni perentorja (premptory plea). See Pleas | |
Perit Ġudizzjarju | Court Expert | |
Periti | Referees are appointed by courts so as to collect or carry out an evaluation or surveillance of evidence and draw conclusions from that report | |
Perizja | Usually refers to a report by a court expert, but can also refer to the whole process of the drawing up of the report by the expert. | |
Pern | Means the pivotal point of a discussion. E.ż. Il-Qorti tqis li dan huwa l-pern tal-vertenza kollha | |
Ppreffiggitilhom | "Set a date" or "Expired". Derived from Italian (prefiggere), which means "set a date". | |
Prekarju | Precarious | |
Preskrizzjoni | Prescription. A right of action against a person is limited by time. | |
Presupposti proċesswali | Requirements of a court action. These are the prerequisites for a civil action, i.e. the validity of the legal procedure. In default of presupposti processwali, an action before a court may not commence. | |
Pretiż | Claimed. E.ż. id-dritt pretiż mil-intimat | |
Proċeduri | Proceedings. E.ż. Proċeduri Kostituzjonali (Constitutional Proceedings). Usually referring to where a human rights violation has taken place | |
Proċess | Refers to the file containing the court proceedings on a particular case. Generally speaking each case has its own file. | |
Prolazzjoni | Similar to 'delivery'. E.ż. l-avukat ta' l-appellanti talab il-Qorti tissospendi l-prolazzjoni tas-sentenza, the appellant's lawyer asked the court to suspend the delivery of the judgment | |
Proprio et nomine | In the name of another person E.ż. l-attur proprio et nomine | |
Propensa | Inclined. Eż. Il-Qorti hija propensa li taċċetta l-verżjoni tal-attur. Derived from Italian (propensione) | |
Prorogat | Extended. Eż. Dan it-terminu m’huwiex prorogabbli (this term is not extendable) | |
Prospett | Prospect | |
Pussess Paċifiku | Peaceful possession | |
R |
Radikat | Rooted. From Italian "radicato". E.ż. Illi jingħad li l-kompetenza ta’ dan it-Tribunal huwa radikat bl-artikolu tlieta (3) tal-Kapitolu 380 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta | |
Replika | Reply. E.ż. Criminal Code, Article 464 about "Replika u Kontro-Replika", "Reply and Rejoined" | |
Revoka | Revoke. E.ż. Revoka ta' inhibizzjoni, Revoke a prohibitory injunction | |
Remissa | Coach room, stable | |
Rexxissjoni | Rescission. Article 1209 et. seq of the Civil Code. Generally speaking, following rescission of a contract the parties will return to the same condition in which they were before the contract | |
Ribadit | Reiterated or Reaffirm. Derived from Italian (ribadire) | |
Rikonvenjant | Plaintiff-Respondent. A respondent (konvenut) may be turned into a plaintiff because he alleges that the plaintiff is obliged to him in one way or another. Example A sues B for failing to pay him for work carried out in his home. In the same action B sues again A since the alleged work was badly carried out and he suffered further damages due to such work. B would therefore become Plaintiff-Respondent | |
Rikonvenut | see. Attur Rikonvenut | |
Rikorrent | Applicant | |
Rikors | Application. E.ż. Rikors biex isir Appel | |
Rikors Ġuramentat | Sworn Application | |
Rikors Promotorju | Original Application. The application used to initiate proceedings | |
Rikuża | Challenge, to any adjudicator, usually on the ground that the adjudicator has an interest in the case brought before him | |
Ritrattazzjoni | Re-Trial. COCP Article 811 et seq. | |
Rkupru | Redemption. Civil Code 1441 et seq. | |
S |
Saltna tad-dritt | Rule of Law | |
Saġġjament | wisely | |
Sevizzi | threats | |
Sindakabbli | Scrutiny, subject to scrutiny. E.ż. L-operat ta’ Mr. XY mhux sindakabbli f’din il-kawza u ghalhekk il-Qorti mhux ser tidhol fil-mertu talkontribuzzjoni tieghu fl-incident. | |
Sive | also known as | |
Stat ta' Dritt | rule of law | |
Stħarriġ Ġudizzjarju | Judicial Review | |
Stralċjarju | Liquidator | |
Solvibbilita' | Solubility | |
Soprassessjoni | When a case is put on hold until another one is decided. Ex. Illi l-konvenuti ordnaw diversi xogħlijiet mingħand is-soċjeta attrici. Din il-kawża tirrigwarda parti biss minn dawn ix-xogħlijiet u dwarhom hemm kawża oħra pendenti, li din il-kawża għandha tistenna l-eżitu tagħha. Għalhekk għandu jkun hemm is-soprassessjoni.
Sprovista | Unprovided. Derived from Italian (sprovvisto). Ex. Ra li l-konvenut dejjem deher għas-seduti iżda kien sprovist mill-avukat
Subizzjoni | Procedure: reference to the oath. Ex. Article 696(1) COCP (1) Fil-Qrati..., l-attur li jkun irid jagħmel prova bis-subizzjoni tal-konvenut, għandu jsejjaħlu għaliha fl-iskrittura li biha jinbdew il-proċedimenti. Translated to "In the courts... a plaintiff who intends to furnish evidence by a reference to the oath of the defendant shall give him notice thereof in the written pleading commencing proceedings." | |
Suespost | What has been stated above. Derived from Italian (suesposto) | |
Sufferita | jisħqu fuq il-fatti | |
Surroga | surrogation. The act of substituting one person in the place of another. Ex. In cases relating to collisions the Insurance company substitutes the defendant. | |
T |
Tissoprasjedi | stay proceedings | |
Taddavjeni | make him come forward for the case | |
Taħrika | Summon, to appear before a court | |
Terminu | Time limit or term | |
Testament | Will E.ż. Disposizzjoni Testamentarja (Testamentary Disposition) | |
Testament unica charta | Spouses are allowed to make a will together (see Civil Code). | |
Tirrevoka | Revoke | |
Tisfilza | Expunge. Verb. The act of expunging. Ex. Il-Qorti ordnat li dawk id-dokumenti li ma kienux maħlufa jkunu sfilzati mill-proċess. | |
Tissana | Remedy. E.ż. "Għalkemm ġejt interpellat sabiex tissana u tagħmel tajjeb għall-ħsara magħmula minnek int sal-lum bqajt inadempjenti" | |
Trasfuzjoni tal-ġudizzju | Change of parties during trial. Ex. when one of the heirs of the party takes over because that party dies. | |
Trattazzjoni | The handling (or treating) of an argument in a systematic way. Derived from Italian (trattazione). E.ż. Il-kawża kienet differita għat-trattazjoni finali li seħħet fl-4 ta' Lulju 2020. | |
U |
Uffiċjal eżekuttiv | Executive Officer | |
Unicha Carta | Spouses are allowed to make a will together (see civil code). | |
V |
Verbal | Minutes E.ż. Verbal tas-seduta. Minutes of court sitting. | |
X |
Xejjen | Annihalate, Destroy. To bring to nothing. E.ż. Fiċ-ċirkostanżi l-akkużat xejjen l-akkużi | |
Xħieda | Witnesses | |
Xolta | Dissolved | |
Z |
Żgumbrament | Ejection. Derived from Italian "sgomberato". E.ż. Fl-esekuzzjoni ta’ mandat ta’ żgumbrament jew ta’ tkeċċijata’ kerrej jew ta’ detenturi oħra ta’ beni immobbli, l-uffiċjależekuttiv tal-qorti għandu jordna lill-kerrej jew lid-detentur li jħallil-fond fi żmien mhux anqas minn erbat ijiem u mhux iżjed minntmint ijiem. | |
Żvista | Oversight. E.ż. Illi bi zvista, meta ghamel hekk, halla l-basket fil-garaxx tal-Bank intimat |